We hope to conduct the 3rd Annual Truck Raffle as follows:
- The raffle will be conducted in two stages on Wednesday, Sept. 9 and Thursday, Sept. 10.
- All but ten tickets will be drawn on Wednesday with the raffle beginning around 4 p.m.
- The raffle will be broadcast live on Facebook from the Chamber lobby.
- Instead of drawing numbered ping-pong balls, the raffle software program will be set to randomly pick ticket numbers, which will save time and reduce the possibility of errors.
- The estimated time to randomly draw the numbers is around 3 hours, so the Wednesday raffle should end no later than 7 p.m.
- The final ten tickets will be drawn on Thursday, September 10.
- For the Thursday, September 10 finale, the holders of the last ten tickets will be invited to attend a special “final selection” party at Tar Banks Brewery. During that gathering, after elimination of the first five tickets, the remaining five ticket holders will be given the option to split a cash prize as we have done in past raffles.
- Although the process may be a bit more challenging, the fun “side-games,” such as the “second-chance” raffle, the ticket auction, and interval prize awards will be offered.
- Like last year, the emcee will periodically pause the drawing to award prizes donated by local businesses.
- Additionally, phones will be setup to take calls for second chance and auction ticket opportunities.